While the town was flooded, all I cared was:
1st: 蒜茸蒸排骨, 蒸小龙包, 蒸鲜竹卷, 蜜汁叉烧包 (highly recommend!), 蟹黄蒸烧卖
2nd: 豉汁蒸凤爪, 香甜奶皇包 (most order too!), 香脆叉烧酥 (the best! we ordered don’t how many rounds of this :X), 鲜虾紫菜卷
3rd: 鲜虾香茜饺, 龙门虾饺皇, 脆炸香芋角 (love yam:D), 糖醋炸鱼柳
4th: 北菇海鲜卖, 京式蒸饺子, 圭皇腐皮卷, 客家酿豆腐
The fried plates really filled us up super fast! Cox of the oil and flour etc. Food was average considering the price and the service wise was as sucky as ever.
By the time I was in orchard area, the flooding has cleared. Thank god!
Meet with some gambit to watch A NIGHTMARE IN ELM STREET
Basically this movie doesn’t make any sense to me at all. It’s not scary, just bloody. It’s a neither here nor there movie. I heard the original version is much nicer. I bet so too, how worse can it be compared to this? I simply don’t like it very much.
Next had dinner with the rest @ Pastamania (Far East outlet) to celebrate May + June babies birthday!
Alright, please listen up! Avoid this outlet at all cost!
Service: rude, unfriendly
Food: Any housewives on the street can cook better standards than their chefs.
Alright, above are mostly chef’s recommendation dishes and apparently I wonder why are they being recommended. tsk..
I love pasta, but not from pastamania’s far east outlet! :<
Flag meeting in the morning
Woke up feeling so cui!
I was trying hard to stay awake throughout the meeting
This is the best chocolate cake I ever had! From Hans Bakery
Cabbed down to Vivo’s Banquet for lunch with some of the flaggies.
Still having Yong Tau Foo addiction :X
We had much fun trying on HIGH HEELS! lol!
Went home – SLEEP!
I feel tired so easily nowadays
I can’t control my chopsticks when it comes to pumpkins :X
I think I gained weight from all the eatings this few days. But it’s ok, I predict Hougang’s OCC gonna drain all my energy! Better store more now! HAHA!
While the town was flooded, all I cared was:
1st: 蒜茸蒸排骨, 蒸小龙包, 蒸鲜竹卷, 蜜汁叉烧包 (highly recommend!), 蟹黄蒸烧卖
2nd: 豉汁蒸凤爪, 香甜奶皇包 (most order too!), 香脆叉烧酥 (the best! we ordered don’t how many rounds of this :X), 鲜虾紫菜卷
3rd: 鲜虾香茜饺, 龙门虾饺皇, 脆炸香芋角 (love yam:D), 糖醋炸鱼柳
4th: 北菇海鲜卖, 京式蒸饺子, 圭皇腐皮卷, 客家酿豆腐
The fried plates really filled us up super fast! Cox of the oil and flour etc. Food was average considering the price and the service wise was as sucky as ever.
By the time I was in orchard area, the flooding has cleared. Thank god!
Meet with some gambit to watch A NIGHTMARE IN ELM STREET
Oh well, I didn't know this movie is M18! So bloody! I dislike bloody movies
Next had dinner with the rest @ Pastamania (Far East outlet) to celebrate May + June babies birthday!
Alright, please listen up! Avoid this outlet at all cost!
Service: rude, unfriendly
Food: Any housewives on the street can cook better standards than their chefs.
Seafood Zuppa
Basil Chicken Aglio
Turkey Ham with cheesy crumble
Chicken & Mushroom baked rice
Mussels & Clams
Garlic bread was good! Cox they bought it! LOL!
Potato Salad! Love<3
My green apple Italian Sodas! So refreshing!
The World Cup Fever cake from BREADTALK!
Birthday girls
The cake was so yummy! Don't judge by it's look! HAHA!
Ended the gathering with some ice-creams from TAKA that I couldn't eat
Long life to friendship!
Flag meeting in the morning
I was trying hard to stay awake throughout the meeting
The best of the day!
Gave up and dug in together! I think eating the cake this way makes it even tastier!
This cake was meant for 15 ppl, but only like half of us were enjoying it :X Good of us! :X
Still having Yong Tau Foo addiction :X
The cotton on skirt that we bought together! HAHA!
Went home – SLEEP!
I can’t control my chopsticks when it comes to pumpkins :X
I think I gained weight from all the eatings this few days. But it’s ok, I predict Hougang’s OCC gonna drain all my energy! Better store more now! HAHA!
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