I shouldn't be here. Rather I should be hugging LBC's note and.. CRY! T.T Don't know wth he is trying to get across at all! Really, it's not easy to be a teacher. Teach only when you know what you are trying to bring across! :<
Die la, tml's CA is freaking 40%! T.T
Webcast not done, 2 labs this week, CA2 assignment not done, I CAN'T WAIT FOR WEEKEND! LOL! Although I just had 4 days of long weekends. :X
Why do good times have to pass so quickly? :(
Anyway Saturday has been the 21st party day all this while. This time round it's Cherina's 21st.
JC cum Sec cliques.
love the girls!
Endless gossips with Sharon and Yee Jean around! If only Peiwen was there too! ^^ <3
YEE JEAN THIS CRAZY GIRL ACTUALLY RUNS FROM NYP ALL THE WAY TO MY PLACE YOU KNOW! OMG! I think she is the only one amongst us that is still keeping up with the runs. :S
Had to leave early for my Ah Ma's 80th Birthday celebration. Mad rush! Like not even 1hrs there and I have to leave. 0.o But thanks to Kah Wei for driving me all the way back! Though I sort of gave him the wrong direction and we went all the way to Punggol. LOL!
Love how candid the photo is!
Me forcing ah ma to take photo with me! Cox she refuses to take 'informal' shots. =.= So cute! Haha!
The customized cake, damn pretty!!!!
Have never love vanilla strawberry cake so much. But a bit too big for us to finish. :X
<3 <3 <3
*back to cry with my LBC note*
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