1. 5D4N getaway to KL+Genting
Awesome little holiday with the people. <3 Thank you Paula for making it possible! ^^
2. Jeff's Birthday Party
This deserves some mention becox it think it fostered our bond as a family even stronger, plus the place and food was really like ATAS! LOL!
3. Dragon Boat Festival
I finally mastered rice dumplings! Hello future family of mine! I can make dumplings for you guys! HEHHEHHEH!
4. SCAMP'11
One of my best camp ever becox of Ho-oh. They are really simply awesome.
5. Baking
Finally got my hands on flour!
Ok, some of my personally proud works! :D
First icing cake
First pastry cake
Raisin Cake
Pandan Chiffon
Strawberry sandwich cake
Milo Chiffon
Strawberry yogurt cake
Zebra cake
White sugar rice cake
Peach pound cake
Other than cakes, I did breads too! ^^
Fewer breads made cox it's really freaking tedious! :X
Thanks for the many positive reviews! Still improving to be a better baker! GAMBATTE!
6. My Lumix
A bit regret buying this cox of the size. :X
7. Durian
Seriously which family eats durian EVERYNIGHT as supper? My family does for almost 3 weeks! Actually just my mum and I. LOL! At least 60 seeds of durian into the stomach every night for 3 weeks.
We seriously are some durian mania. I had a fever right after a night when I ate more than 80 seeds and found myself gained an instant 5kg. LOL! PRO!
8. Momentum Crew
Really love this job! Thank you Hidaya for the introduction! :D
9. Driving
I still feel like killing myself whenever I recalled about ytd. Sigh.. Oh well, Dad says we most likely will only buy a car in Dec. Hopefully COE will fall by then. So no point for me to rush the license now too. :/ Alright~
10. X-box kinect
I was only half-jokingly to Maomao to get me a kinect! Little did I know he really did! OMG! Yes! Super surprised and of cox touched to have such a great friend! :D
11. Buffet
Make a guess, how many buffets have I eaten over this 3months of summer?
Actually I can't rmb well too. LOL!
1. Hotpot Culture - Mothers' Day
2. Steamboat + BBQ - Genting trip
3. Lao Beijing XLB - Meetup with Cass and Ginny
4. Momiji @ poMo - Fathers' Day
5. Hei Sushi - Hooh
6. F.I.S.H - Hooh
7. Momiji @ City Square mall - Brother's birthday
8. Swatow Dim Sum - GAMBIT
That's it! 8 buffets in 3 months! Adding on to my 3 buffets earlier this year, this amount to 11 buffets in less than 8 months! :) Say hi to BUFFET QUEEN pls! :P
Don't ask me why did the fats go.
PS: Thurs going to SWATOW again! Damn EXCITING~
12. Gained weight
The last one and the most important one! I have to gain weight right? With the number of buffets that I ate and not forgetting how sinful durians are.
I put on...
I hear ppl cursing..
So glad for the 1kg of weight on me. Cox I don't look so bone-ly on photos anymore! :D and brother says I look so much better and healthier now! hehe!
Actually, I kinda think the 1kg was more from durian. But the season is over~ No way to gain weight now! :(
Alright, this sums up my holiday~ In addition to some gatherings and 21st parties too! :D Really, this summer was very meaningful.
Summer, I'll miss you!
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