Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ju Shin Jung @ East Coast Park

👍 (Taken with instagram)


Just look at the table! :)

Buffet~  (Taken with instagram)

Unlimited flow of meat and more meat please! :D

Taken with instagram

The best is, you don't have to do the grilling, the waitresses will do it for you. :) So just eat and chit-chat! :)

Life is good like this. :P

But I think I'll still prefer the West Coast outlet, there are more side dishes and this east coast obne doesn't serve PUMPKIN PANCAKE! *supersadface*

Ok, at least I got compensated with mashed potatoes! LOL! Actually, I felt quite paiseh to keep asking the waitress to refill my side dishes. HAHAHAHA! Oh wells.. :/


The company that counts. :)

Yay! JUSHINJUNG is waiting for me! ^^ #simple (Taken with instagram)

Have been quite addicted to histagram these days. :/ Guess it's because more and more friends are joining the community. :/ I'm like checking it as often as I refresh twitter! O.M.G. 

I think as much as many envy that I have a slim body despite an enormous appetite, I actually envy those who can control their appetite! I get really irritated with myself whenever I over-eat, more like I'm angry of myself for not having the ability to control. :(

Over-feeding is bad bad bad, says my GIT physiology knowledge. :(  


Ok, I'm damn tired now. Good night! :) 

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