I started blogging with the intention of food sharing, a place to vent my anger and self-entertainment (talk to myself :X) and also to laugh at myself years down the road when I read my own posts again. HAHAHA! (OMG THAT WAS LIRONG N YEARS BACK! WAS I SO DUMB?! OOPS! HAHAHAHA!)
Basically to share the memories. :)
Anyways it's still gonna be about FOOD! LALALA~
I'm currently conducting a self-experiment.
Aim: To investigate if Lirong's digestive system is really that screwed up that no nutrients can be absorbed however much she eats.
Introduction: I have seen 5 different physicians since August last year and each of them claims my spleen to be totally useless, hence the weigh lose on and on. It's an alarm now that I seriously need to put on some weight to put the kg back to 4X and not 3X. That bad, ya. :(
Procedure: Eat and eat during this festive period.
Result: Pending
Discussion: Pending
Conclusion: Pending
Let's see if I put on some weight after CNY! ^^
The experiment has already started since last week, no news yet. :/
oh dear! your weight has gone to 3X?? :O :O so scary! eh really must take care lirong! hope you gain weight! no should be, take care lirong's spleen! hahaha