Guess how many pieces are there?
Freaking 31 dresses I own, I think it's a lot! :X
I swear they definitely don't appear to be so much. :/
I swear they definitely don't appear to be so much. :/
1. 1/3 of them I've never wore out before.
2. 90% of the reminding 2/3 were only wore once.
3. None of them were wore more than thrice.
4. I ran out of hangers because of them.
5. I'm still shopping for more dresses.
Decided to save myself from the guilt by not counting the number of skirts I own. :/
So.. this is the reason why I'm wearing mostly dresses to school now! Haha! But my frequent to school is no match to speed of purchasing. Thus, the unwore dresses accumulates. :P
Guess which dress I'm gonna wear on Vday then? :D
Well, just a break from mugging my upcoming CA, on Vday. :(
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