Still having a fever NOW. This morning I couldn’t get out of bed. So I got my brother to serve me breakfast while I lay comfortably in bed :> Then watched 5 episodes of GOSSIP GIRLS! haha!
I feel like a queen! HAHA!
After lunch slept again until dinner (homemade seafood congee), which explains why I still don’t feel like going to bed when I should rest my aching body like NOW.
So a little updates of SCAMP over here

lots of new experiences and memories from SCAMP’10!
1. Being a SENIOR!!! OMG!
2. Screaming like crazy with dear Hidaya <3 I think we sort of became INFAMOUS for that. LOL!
3. Solving mathematics problem in the middle of a game. This was really crazy! HAHA! We even have Peiying to come in and solve with us! LOL!
4. Virgin clubbing experience at butter factory! Thought I gonna hate it but turned out that Hidaya and I danced though the night! OMG! So unexpected! It was because of them! :>
5. Sun blocking myself like crazy! HAHA! I did a fair job for that! wheee~ Not tanned/burned at all EXCEPT for my back which I missed out! :< So my back is SUNBURNED! yes! Burned not even tanned la! Damn painful for the first few days but now it’s just left with ugliness only.
There were too many happy events in SCAMP! For SCAMP for everything! I don’t mind joining as a senior again next year! Cox I want to create more memories!
Out of hunger/starvation/choice-less I have to eat the rice for energy! Also out of hunger, rice seen to taste so GOOD in camps. HAHA!
Not forgetting the food in camp! haha!
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
I think after another round of Chap Cai Peng in SOW prep-camp and camp right, the amount of rice I will be eating can break some record of mine!
Alright, shall rest soon! For the buffet tml! I WILL GET WELL!
I feel like a queen! HAHA!
After lunch slept again until dinner (homemade seafood congee), which explains why I still don’t feel like going to bed when I should rest my aching body like NOW.
So a little updates of SCAMP over here
Glad to have them as my freshies!
lots of new experiences and memories from SCAMP’10!
1. Being a SENIOR!!! OMG!
2. Screaming like crazy with dear Hidaya <3 I think we sort of became INFAMOUS for that. LOL!
3. Solving mathematics problem in the middle of a game. This was really crazy! HAHA! We even have Peiying to come in and solve with us! LOL!
4. Virgin clubbing experience at butter factory! Thought I gonna hate it but turned out that Hidaya and I danced though the night! OMG! So unexpected! It was because of them! :>
5. Sun blocking myself like crazy! HAHA! I did a fair job for that! wheee~ Not tanned/burned at all EXCEPT for my back which I missed out! :< So my back is SUNBURNED! yes! Burned not even tanned la! Damn painful for the first few days but now it’s just left with ugliness only.
There were too many happy events in SCAMP! For SCAMP for everything! I don’t mind joining as a senior again next year! Cox I want to create more memories!
Out of hunger/starvation/choice-less I have to eat the rice for energy! Also out of hunger, rice seen to taste so GOOD in camps. HAHA!
Not forgetting the food in camp! haha!
Day 1
D plus - this is the peanut flavour. I seriously dislike peanut, but this was the only flavour they have on the shell. Conclusion: if you really dislike something, then don't try it. Peanut doesn't go well with the bread AT ALL.
Chap Cai Peng - This was exactly what we had for Prep camp day 1 too. LOL! There is fishcake this time round! HAHA!
Day 2
Chicken chop from Megabites - KATANA kids wanted to have megabites for lunch. I WAS LIKE MEGABITES?! NOOOOOOOO! hahahaha! I failed to convince them though. Conclusion: Their food has improved.
This was the worse pack rice of all. Cox of the chicken wing. haha! Cox I personally refuse to dirty my hands! So I had a hard time with the chicken! :<
This was definitely one of the best pack rice! Cox of the fish fillet!:D Weicun ate 3 packets that day and Hidaya ate 2 packets! for the fish! LOL! If only there was sauce given!
D plus: Purple potato. Was rather excited when I saw this! Cox it's like my top most eat from D plus!
You know what, this is by far the only pack that I FINISHED EVERY BIT OF THE FOOD, INCLUDING THE RICE! I guess I was starving. But really very nice leh this pack! hahaha!
Here comes the glutton - took bits of everything:D There were fried rice, mee siam, stir fried beancurd with vege, salad, deep fried prawns and deep fried fish. I also had a piece of walnut cake and chocolate cake! Which I put it on Mazuki's plate cox mine was full. haha! Satisfying dinner but was at the expense of my throat D: Voice become sexier after the cakes and fried items
Fried bee hoon! I rarely eat anything other than breads for breakfast. HAHA! So this is the only breakfast that I ate from SCAMP. LOL!
My throat was really bad so decided to have something like - Yong Tau Foo from SCI canteen. Was quite disgusting leh. :X
Curry Chicken!!! OMG! Total neglect the fact that I was having a horrible time with my throat!:D So voice when even sexier~ damn! No wonder I fall sick -.-
Alright, shall rest soon! For the buffet tml! I WILL GET WELL!
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