Wednesday, January 25, 2012

CNY Day 3

Though the CNY holiday has officially ended, the festive mood is still there! At least for me! :D Lucky for my cousins and I, majority of us have no class or work until next week. So we continued our CNY visitings! :)

And I'm the host for the day! ^^

The adults all started working so Lirong-the-maid has to wake up early to kick start the preparations, while the bro nua on the sofa to play Xbox. =.= 


So happy to have people visiting! Because I want them to help me clear my food! 

Clear my steamboat items too! :D 

Though steamboat seem to be a very quick and easy way to entertain the guest. It's really a lot of work to cut, wash and what not. Especially I'm on a one-woman-show. Stupid bro! :( 

Mahjong is a must during CNY! 

But I think we got quite bored and tried of mahjong-ing everyday. :/

So we started having manicure session. lol!

HTHT and movie marathon! Think we caught like 5 movies today. HAHA! :D

The cousins! 

Dinner time! 

Serious ingestion today. First, ate too much steamboat, second, ate too much chilli, third, snacked too much too. :( 
I think more of the chilli's fault. D: 

Finally managed to clear half of my steamboat items! :D But I still have a lot of goodies around. :/ 

In conclusion: My shoulders are arching much. #oldage 

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