Given my lazy nature I've decided I should blog with the days otherwise I'll just.. let it be. :P
The day started with us climbing up and down the house to do up the CNY decors which we bought at Chinatown yesterday (seriously, there were crazy amount of people and I was intimidated as hell.) Oh, I took some funny photos too! But there are inside my camera which I'm lazy to transfer. So check out my FB on a later date then.
After which I 'locked' myself in the kitchen to prepare reunion lunch for the family. Alright, it's usually prepared by the mother but this year she has decided to boycott. Nah, mummy is just being mummy. Lazy. Oops, don't tell her I say that! :P
Pen Cai
One first attempt seriously! I'm damn proud can?! *fist punch*
We also had our own homemade Lo Hei.
Anyways, I'm very scare of Lo hei-ing with guys. Reason?
The aftermath will seriously be 100X worse than this. I'm OCD, I cannot.
Anyways, lunch was seriously satisfying. I made a pen cai to feed 8? But the 4 of us ate everything. Imagine our bloated tummies. Haha!
And soon it was time to leave to house to the Uncle's place for reunion dinner together.
A selfie which I finally stopped acting gangster and showed my teeth. :P
Or these?
Anyways, reunion dinner was awesome! Uncle served the best glutinous rice I have ever eaten!!! There were too many people so too paiseh to stop everyone from attacking the food, thus no photo. But omg the rice was so delicious that the aftertaste is still lingering on my taste bud!!! I had thought it was homemade but the uncle said he ordered from some hotel. Ok, no wonder so tasty.
Buddha jumped over wall.
This worth $888, my rich uncle. :/ Anyways, I think this type of atas food is not suitable for my taste bud.
Look what happens after a day of feasting?
Oops! Sorry if I scare you! Haha! I'm allergic to seafood actually and I think today I kind of over-dosed and this happened. Not the first time, but it's definitely the biggest lump ever growth. I actually think it's cool and kept sticking my tongue out at everyone. HAHAHA! My black humor.
Alright, that's all! Till then! <3
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